True Transparency
For one, crowdfunding values something that Upstart Farmers have in excess: transparency.
The best crowdfunding campaigns offer potential supporters a look at the process. In the case of
the Upstart Farmer, who lives by his value of transparency every day, potential customers not only
get a look at the process by which their food is produced, but are promised that knowledge permanently.
Upstart Farmers have no secrets to keep from their customers. Just honest, sustainably grown, local food.
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Leslie West wrote:I am researching possible ways to fund a product. I have visited Are there other kickstarter sites available?
I have also considered gofundme as an alternative. Are there other sites suitable for projects that do not fit a kickstarter.
Would just using paypal be sufficient or be lacking in credibility?
From what I have read, it seems you have to really promote your kickstarter through all means to be successful. True or false?
Gail Gardner @GrowMap
Small Business Marketing Strategist, lived on an organic farm in SE Oklahoma, but moved where I can plant more trees.
"I have a cluttered mind, you might have to tell me again" I'm okay with that. I now have more posts at: No central theme yet though, and I'm still learning.
Oh, sure, you could do that. Or you could eat some pie. While reading this tiny ad:
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