Wes- if your emotions are repressed vis-a-vis, ahem, men's troubles, then yes. Good organic yohimbe is probably the closest thing to Cialis found in nature. Ibogaine, AKA yabobo or yaboga (the angry grandfather), is probably what you're thinking of. The plant spirit of yabobo bark is personified by a crotchety old man, who yells at you with his toothless maw and shows you how the things that you've been doing are wrong, wrong, wrong, and what will become of you if you don't change your ways. I DO NOT ADVISE ITS USE. It is illegal, and for good reason- yabobo is wayyyyy too intense for most people, sometimes causing severe, long-lasting depression and a sense of worthlessness, I have heard of extreme cases resulting in self-mutilation and suicidal thoughts/attempts. However, if you are honest in your intentions, and have done
enough self-examination to uncover at least 10% of the things that are holding you back from yourself, yabobo can be the one to smack his knobby stick over your head and tell you off, like only a grandfather who can see through all your many layers of bullshit can. I DO NOT ADVISE ITS USE. Try something a little, well, milder. Like talking out your emotional baggage with a human. Or a dog. Or a trusted tree. If you can, though, let grandpa yabobo sleep... He's an unforgiving savage, and not the kind of therapy that most people need. I DO NOT ADVISE THE USE OF YABOBO.