Hey Wesley, I have a huge patch of lemon balm that I love dearly, it is useful for many things. I think for emotions I would say it depends. I think of lemon balm, and most mints as a mood lifter/ awakening scent, but that is tied in with my life
experience. I have a garbage bag full of dried lemon balm for use as tea or seasoning throughout the winter months.
For bringing up old emotions and things of that nature I have always had good experience with mugwort. It is not advisable to take mugwort too often, but if you drink a tea before bed time you will have dreams/ feelings that can persist into the next day and come into your conscious mind.
Keep in mind the herbs in my experience will not 'clear' emotions, that is up to the person who is holding onto things. If a person is not reaonably healthy and prepared, it is not advisable to use herbs to dig things up. Be careful and good luck.
Lemon balm is one of the easiest things to grow, just throw some seeds down and it
should come right up.