If you go to your
local feed store, they
should be able to suggest a mineral mix that is customized to your area. Since minerals in the soil and feed vary from place to place, it's well worth taking the time to get one that is suitable for your location. Once you know the ratios that they suggest, then you could start looking for a mineral mix
online. You probably already know this, but I'm writing it for people who are new to goats as well as as a reply.
Also mineral needs of an animal vary drastically throughout the year. In the fall for example, they need a very different ratio of Se, zinc and copper than they would in the summer.
Most goat people I know will give mineral supplement even when the animals are on pasture, since there are very few places where the soil (and thus the plants) have all the minerals the animals need in the correct ratio. But of course, each situation is different.
The healthiest goats I've met are ones where the farmer mixes the minerals themselves. Have a read of Pat Coleby's Natural Goat Minerals (or some such title) for a good introduction (which actually gets very advanced) on free-access minerals. I like her style as she dosen't pre-mix the minerals before giving them to the animals, but rather relies on the animals natural ability to know what minerals they need when.
But to
answer your original question - my favourite sources of minerals comes from the farmer down the road with the healthiest goats you ever did meet. She mixes minerals special to my situation depending on the animals health and time of year. If I didn't have her, I would probably use Pat Coleby's method (adjusted for my part of the world).