Craigslist is great, though it pays to be careful. Plenty of people I have dealt with regarding goats tell as little as possible, so that if you don't ask the exactly right question, there are things you won't know, and some folks won't even tell what they know even then.
When I
sell a goat I have the idea that I want to goat to have the best possible home, so I tell all her idiosyncrasies, and why she does not fit in my operation. IMO, that's the kind of person you want to find as owners of the bucks you are looking for, AND for possible foster home.
It is no guarantee of knowledge or integrity that a person is on permies, but there is a common starting place with
permaculture influence if you find someone through the regional forums I linked to above. Also, on the regional page, someone who knows someone might also help out with information and contacts. Not likely to ge tthat on craigslist.
Good luck!