Call to ALL CHP enthusiasts. I am putting together a CHP (combined heat and power) unit based on a
wood gasifier. Syngas will be created and piped into a Kohler Aegis 26hp LH690 which will turn a generator which will power a battery bank which will power our farm. I do not need so much power but this is the smallest commercially available gas powered
water cooled engine that I could find. It produces 26hp at 3000RPM. Question. Is there some reason I could not set the governor to run the engine at 1200 RPM? Acording to the power charts for this engine that
should give me about 7-8hp which, although still more than I need, would put me in the ball park of my
energy goals. I am also thinking this should significantly reduce the engine wear and tear per hour and should therefore significantly increase the engine life. These engines should get about 10,000 hours as is, I am thinking (hoping) I could get 20,000 plus hours if I run it like this. What do you say? Am I crazy? On the right track?
Also, if you know of another low power liquid cooled engine which you think would work better in this set up, let me know!!
Viva la decentralized power!