Hi, 2 years ago i started a forest garden. What i did basically is let everything to grow and also i planted some pionner
trees. At this moment the
land looks like a jungle , very chaotic with a lot of different plants and i discovered that a lot of these plants are edible.
I discovered in the land some spots of alfalfa growing scattered in the forest. But the spots are very small (now wide) and they dont expand, some of these spots had some purple flowers but now some of them doenst have the flowers and it seems they are getting dry ( around the spots are a lot of other plants) . The spots are small and im afraid of eating the leaves because they just have a few leaves, and im afraid it can affect negatively the plants, so i let them grow , but it seems they are not expanding and also it seems they are dissapearing.
Do anybody know how can i make my spots to get bigger? wider? Which is a good way to eat the leaves of alfalfa?
I want to produce a lot of leaves of alfalfa so i can eat them regularly withouth affecting the plant. any idea?