Hi, some years ago i started a forest garden. I just let everything grow to study the plants , i planted some pionner
trees and then let everything grow. SOme time later my
land became full of
native plants and a lot of plants that locals call "bad weed" and that they usually kill with herbicides but for me they are not "bad weed" some of them are nitrogen fixers and meet different ecological functions.
Next to my land there are other lands where people cultivate grapes( a monoculture using hervicides and in a non-ecological way) for wine production.
A few days ago one of the owners of these lands told me that letting everything to grow in my land is bad for their monoculture land because my land generates insects and pest that spread to their land infecting their plants. But my land is full of different plants in a chaotic way... I told then i dont think thats true because "biodiversity generates resilience".
They want me to put herbicides in my land because they say my herbs affects in a negative way their grape production.
What do you think? Is it true what they say that having a lot of plants ( a lot of what they call bad weed) affects negatively their land?
They also say that my land not only spread diseases and insects to their land but also that it affect the fertility of their land. Can this be possible? Having a chaotic full of plants and herbs land next to a monoculture affects negatively the production of the monoculture?
What do you think? And what do you recommend?
In what way my land affect my neighbours? Are they right or wrong?
Thanks in advance