This is a forum I don't visit or post to often but the past several months I've been really getting into watching and listening to presentations of how foods and the microbiome are so very important to our health. I did a quick search and found very little from Sayer Ji on here and, glaringly, no link/embed for this incredible presentation he did in February 2015. Thought I'd share since I literally found myself with jaw wide open, uttering "wow" every few moments under my breath, and couldn't help but feel like the guy deserved a standing ovation from me here, alone, more than a year after he gave this presentation. Yes, it was that good
This stuff about "exosomes" has me really intrigued now. Simpling and the importance of eating
local food has taken on a whole new level of importance in my mind.
I've done a few searches for more from Sayer since his presentation on the (ongoing) Homegrown Food Summit this week (also was AWESOME, btw), but he hasn't done all that much outside of his website. His website is linked already in a couple places here on permies, but here it is again: