Hi again, Amit!
Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better.
You say in your post that you tried apple cider vinegar in the past but I’m not clear if you stuck with it long enough to get results, or if you were saying you didn’t tolerate it well like the tomatoes and oranges and stopped using it.
Apple cider vinegar increases the alkalinity of the body, but it is in an ‘acid’ state right out of the bottle, and you can feel that unpleasant, too strong feeling if you aren’t diluting it. I’d recommend that you start with a half teaspoon in a cup of water and increase the amount of vinegar you add until you are having about a tablespoon full of vinegar in a cup of water three times a day. It’s best on an empty stomach.
Just to be clear, you must use Organic Apple Cider Vinegar for this purpose.
‘Regular’ or refined vinegars of any kind, and non-organic apple cider vinegar are not the same on a molecular level and will NOT help you heal. Organic ACV is cloudy and has a residue that collects at the bottom of the bottle that is slippery/slimy and a bit gritty sometimes. This is referred to as ‘the mother’ and is actually chains of protein enzyme molecules. That is the component that heals your gut.
Eating to clean and support your liver would be a great idea for you. If you have a system that is unstable for some reason, like illness, stress, insomnia, or exposure to ugly things like pesticides, chemicals or toxins, your liver will thank you for some support. The easiest way to do this is with a supplement of
milk thistle (can be purchased in capsules at any health food store), drinking dandelion tea or eating dandelion
root, and (dare I say it), avoidance or elimination of
dairy from your diet.
Some people have a really hard time digesting animal proteins in general, but especially dairy can contribute to a congested liver, pancreas, gall bladder and bile duct.
If your diet is heavy on meats as you describe, you may want to consider some basic changes in your diet as well. I’ve seen clients improve greatly by doing an ‘upside-down’ version of the standard American diet, which is traditionally meat, a starchy food, and some veggies.
If you convert to meals primarily made with vegetables, with some starch, and a small amount of meat as a seasoning /condiment, you may find that you feel better right away. As I mentioned before, animal proteins are really problematic for some. Meat takes a longer time to move through your system, and your body has to work harder to process it to utilize the nutritional benefit. It takes more pancreatic enzymes to digest meats and your stomach actually has to work harder to produce MORE acid to dissolve the fat and protein in meat. It may be worth your while to greatly reduce (or even eliminate for 7 days) the meat in your diet.
While I am a proponent for a plant based diet, I know that isn’t for everyone. What I am saying, however, is that if your diet is causing your body to use more enzymes and produce more acid just to break down the food you are eating, and then you are taking enzymatic supplements to make up the deficit and taking acid reducers or proton pump inhibitors to lower the production of gastric acids, it may be more prudent to simply remove some of the offending or irritating foods from your diet temporarily. You can always reintroduce foods later, when you are healthy and your gut is healed.
Kombucha—May I ask what kind you tried? The alcohol content in kombucha is minimal and a byproduct of fermentation. You would have to drink a half case of light beer to get the same amount of alcohol in one bottle of kombucha. Some home-brewed kombucha is manipulated for a slightly higher alcohol content by leaving the finished product unrefrigerated for a few days, but all commercially sold kombucha is under .05% alcohol. The benefits of kombucha are amazing, and it would be a shame if you were turned off from it due to one bad experience. I’d suggest experimenting with different manufacturers and flavors, as there are some great ones out there. Alternatively, if you know someone who home brews it, then that would be the best option.
You are correct, bentonite clay, or more specifically montmorillonite clay, is great for supporting your liver and in removing toxins from your body. It is equally effective in removing contaminants from every organ in your body, including your gastrointestinal tract. There is a video out there on YouTube somewhere that provides a great visual of the adsorption qualities of clay...I will look for it and post it here if I find it. It basically shows how the addition of clay ‘de-colorizes’ a red kool-aid type mix and only pure water is left.
Lastly, you ask about studies or proof of result. I don’t have anything at my fingertips, but I’m sure that there are many first-hand accounts on the internet. Mainstream medical will denounce most alternative practices, simply due to the fact that if you aren’t taking pharmaceuticals, you aren’t making money for them and their financial enterprises.
I have treated clients personally and trained in an alternative medicine clinic where what I describe in my prior post was the basic protocol for any gastrointestinal or digestive problem. Some things work better for some individuals than for others, but generally, every item listed, either together or as a stand-alone, will offer you some benefit. The key is to strengthen your entire system so you can fight off any little bugs (bacteria) or infections you might come into contact with.
I can offer you that I have self-treated for severe gastro issues with this regimen after being told by traditional gastro MD’s that if I didn’t submit to their RX protocol, I’d be sorry. I declined their prescriptions and opted to ‘go natural’ instead as a first line of treatment with full recovery.
**Of course, I’m not suggesting in any way that anyone reading this follow my footsteps in declining medical treatment/medications. It was a personal choice for me, and I have the support of a large alternative practice network. I suggest that anyone needing support see their physician or holistic practitioner, or whatever healer they are comfortable with. **
Wishing you all the best!