TO: Sue Miller
FROM: Eric Koperek =
SUBJECT: Feral Rabbits
DATE: PM 2:18 Sunday 22 May 2016
1. No need to let domesticated rabbits run free. There are plenty of wild rabbits in your area.
2. You can have all the rabbit meat you want -- as long as you are willing to FEED wild rabbits.
3. The easiest way to do this is to establish one or more feeding stations around your property. This is simply a spot where you dump vegetable scraps or other food on a DAILY basis. Wild rabbits are quickly attracted to feeding sites and will visit them daily.
4. Set traps or snares AROUND feeding site = away from feeding station. Move traps frequently or rabbits will outwit you.
5. Save and process rabbit pelts. Use to make winter coats,
boots, moccasins, and blankets.
6. Save rabbit bones and use as organic garden fertilizer.
end comment
For more information about old-fashioned biological agriculture please visit: -or- -or- send your questions to: Agriculture Solutions, 413 Cedar Drive, Moon Township, Pennsylvania, 15108 USA -- or -- send an e-mail to: Eric Koperek =