Hi Travis;
I really don't think there is a recipe for this. When I built my buried wood beds (basically a buried
hugelkultur) I didn't use any soil at all! We live on sand, and have a minuscule amount of top soil. So, my beds are built with grass/leaves/woodchips between the log layers, but not any specific amount, just filled in the gaps and used whatever was on hand. You want as much variety in there as you can get, to really get the bacterial and fungal goodies happening. We threw in grass clippings as The Man mowed the fields, and weeds, leaves, kitchen waste, dead plants, whatever! My beds are basically topped with a 2-3 foot layer of mulch: year-old grass/leaves/weeds, and some year-old wood chips, with a little sand. The only soil used was what went in with the transplants, and maybe a hand full here and there as the transplant went in. And everything is growing quite happily!
So, in my ever so humble opinion, just put in whatever you have, and try to fill in the gaps as best you can (it's all going to sink as it breaks down anyway, so don't look for perfection), get a lot of variety in there (browns and greens) and plant! If you have topsoil, save it for the top.
Let me know if this makes sense to you. It worked for me! Good luck.