I grind my own wheat flour. When whatever I make can use a
boost of gluten, I make my own gluten out of flour that I have ground myself. If you are not aware of the process, I make an extremely stiff dough made of just
water and flour. Knead it, then put it under water overnight to soak the starch off of it. Then knead it underwater to further release the starch. Then I strain off the water - what is left is gluten. I then add that to bread dough or whatever I am making that requires a higher concentration of gluten.
I am severely allergic to waste. Given the choice of buying gluten in the store, or making it on my own - the "on my own" is much much cheaper. I just hate pouring perfectly good nutrition into a
compost - just because I cannot think of a use for it in the kitchen.
I end up with about a gallon of this water twice a month on average. I cannot use it in foods that I can as wheat can cause what I can to go south. Without a fridge, I can stews, etc. that are too much to eat in 1 sitting so that there is no waste. I hate just pouring this water into the compost, and my critters - including
chickens - ignore it. It makes a "beer" after being left out for more than 24 hours.
I tried using it to water plants, but the starch stayed on top of the soil and it smelled like an old shoe. Mold spread to the plants that I watered with the water and I stopped using it to water plants for that reason.
If anyone has a suggestion on using water that has wheat bran and starch in it, I would be very interested in it. Each batch of gluten means about 2 gallons of starch/wheat bran water.