I've heard that they cool food in Africa by putting an urn inside another urn, with
water in between, and the food goes in the inner one. The sun evaporates the water and the cooling action of that is
enough to keep the inner urn cool.
I thought, couldn't you apply the smae thing to air conditioning a small space, like a workspace at a computer? instead of a fan or
solar air conditioner--which is going ot dry you out with that much wind circulating past you all day long, and kind of tires me to be in--it would be moist and cool. You're sitting in the middle urn, as it were. How do you get in and out? I guess some kind of door needs to be built of
wood, a bit higher up.
Is there merit in this idea? has it been done?
Another way might be just to get two coolers with the original design above and stick your feet in them while you work.