A few months months ago, I bought grey oyster spawn from Muhroom Mojo to grow in the house. They tasted great. I'd only had oysters a couple times. These were much better. I decided to propagate them with what I had on hand. I filled a half gallon fruit jar with hard wheat and filled it with boiling
water then put a lid on loosely. After the wheat swelled up, I put the jar in the sink upside down to drain th excess water off. After it cooled off I added about 1/3 cup of spawn. Within a week, I could see white mycellium. In another week,it was a third of the way down the jar. I was going to use this to inoculate a
bucket of hardwood heating pellets. It's growing so good, I think I'll let it fruit first.
I wonder if I could break the jar?
Anyone have any suggestions for how to increase the spawn? I'm pretty much a beginner, I've grown a couple kids before but no propagation of oysters.