I have a friend in Tucson,
xxx xxxx, with the Sonoran
Permaculture Guild.
At least, I assume he's still around. Truthfully, it's been a few years since I talked to him. At any rate, several years ago, I spent a long weekend in Tucson, and he laid out a
permaculture tour for me. It was incredible! The town has a lot of activity, permaculture-wise. There's so much to see and do. It's been so long ago, I can't begin to name everything, but here are a few ideas:
Farmer's Markets everywhere. Buy desert
The University of Arizona campus is pretty cool. There's a building (Can't remember the name. Engineering building?) that harvests the condensate
water from the HVAC units on the roof and has created an oasis in the middle of the campus. Incredible. Also, a couple of cheap and interesting museums on campus.
The Avra Valley swales. A must-see. Mentioned by
Bill Mollison, these swales were installed by the government in the CCC, depression era. Possibly the only good thing to come from government.
There are rain collection systems EVERYWHERE! They put a real artistic flair on them, making some of them look very nice. There was a co-op on the south side of the
city that held the distinction of being the largest in the city, at that time. Massive.
Community gardens, everywhere!
And, if nothing else, lots and lots of desert hiking.
A fascinating community. Just reminiscing about my weekend there made me realize how much I enjoyed my stay there.