I live in Ontario in the City of Kawartha Lakes and I'm looking for heritage chicken breeders. If anybody can give me some info on this that would be great. I'm looking for long term, consistent layers that are docile & friendly with people. I'm hoping for them to be free range but I live very close to a road so that's a consideration.
I'm thanking you all in advance for any help offered. 😊
You might have to go to the feed stores, they carry chicks in the spring, and raise your own. As far as long term layers, most only lay their best for 2, maybe 3 years. After that, butcher them, have some nice chicken and dumplings and raise new ones. If feed stores are not an option, do a google search for hatcheries and order chicks.
These people aren't anywhere near Ontario, but if you're open to mail order versus going to a store front, check out Greenfirefarms.com. They're all heritage breeds all the time. An old acquaintance of mine got some Bielefelders from them at one time. Most docile chicken I've ever encountered and big birds too! Giant eggs. I could walk right up to them and pick one up. If you sat on the ground, they would come over, often hop in your lap.
"Study books and observe nature; if they do not agree, throw away the books." ~ William A. Albrecht
You could start with checking the Backyard chicken forums. There is also an Ontario backyard chicken website but I can't remember what it is. Kijiji is also a great place to start too. I have noticed lots in eastern Ontario when I was searching for my chicks.
I bought some Partridge Chanteclers from West Wind Ranch in Southwest Ontario recently. They're robust, healthy chicks. Check out the breed. They're heritage Canadian (Alberta) and are bred to be excellent free range foragers, dual-purpose, excellent winter layers and cold tolerant.
See ya later boys, I think I'm in love. Oh wait, she's just a tiny ad:
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