Hello Randy and Rebecca,
Thanks for responding.
Randy I am not into fermenting alcohol and beer, I am trying to find ways of preserving the food plants that are
local to me here in deepest France. But I like the idea of tinctures ... or more precisely, foods that heal.
Rebecca, the ferments have been going for some days now, and there has been no change in the stringiness of them except the rocket. I guess I picked the
nettles and sow thistle too late ... or the leaves were too mature. So I will wait until there are young leaves (probably early Spring). But for now I am resigning myself to buying organic begs whilst the garden takes shape (which it is ... at an amazing speed! Radishes might be the first real crop ... but they will probably be eaten fresh. In the meantime I am trying to learn what to lacto ferment, what to ferment with
sourdough, and maybe try and get a little piece of miso to give me a yield of yeast culture (yes, I know its koji ... which is not local ... but hey, its in my fridge asking to be cultured!).
But you both might be able to
answer another question ... can I use/cook with any soak
water, (from soaking nuts or pulses) or does it contain stuff that should be got rid of?