We all have a few five gallon pails of assorted nuts, bolts, screws, nails, washers, bits of wire, etc; that we know the moment we throw it away, we NEED it. One other one my father taught me (for us real shopping was an hour each way then and now, it still is, more like two hours each way) was buy a few more JUST IN CASE. So if you dropped one or did a slight redesign, you have. Here we have the Fastener Fairy, she-who-buys-whole-boxes of vital fasteners, and bulk bolts, nuts, washers, by the multi-pounds. In return we have a supply on hand (the mister really went all out and built a nice storage cabinet of
wood with plexi inserts on the trays that sit on the shelves...).
The only thing worse is the confessions of a beadaholic (raises hand). When I moved I dumped all my egg carton flats into 5 gallon pails. 5 pails of massive tonnage of 'bead soup'. That took a while to sort after I moved.... you only score points Larry, if you can actually get into your supply and
root around if needed, heh.