Justyn Mavis wrote:
I was just digging near some of my sunchokes yesterday thinking I might try to transplant some, and I was very disappointed at the current size of the tuber. Mine have not flowered yet. I believe they are 'Stampede' variety.
I've been told that cool soil temperatures improve flavor and texture. If your winters are cold, begin digging sunchokes in late fall, at least two weeks after your first hard freeze.
hope this helps. (I'm in Southern WV Zone 5c (6a really))
Justyn, that's the way I have done it in the past when I cooked them. I've never tried fermenting them before and I have lots and lots and lots ... so I thought I might try it, but I also don't want to waste them. And yes, our winters are cold if you think -20 to -30F is cold