I want
water harvesting for my "urban homestead".
My wife wants a pool.
I could do a pool if it could be my cistern as well.
Assuming we use a berkey water filter for drinking water,could we use water with 6,000 ppm salt in the rest of the system?
My skin is sensitive,lots of psoriasis. Salt water pools don't hurt my skin,actually they make it feel great!
So, filtered rainwater to fill a salt water cistern/pool,
city water back up, laundry, toilet,dishes and
shower drawn from the pool,water to be filtered for drinking diverted before it hits the pool.
Deeper is better than wider for such a pool...
Will it harm my plumbing?My washing machine?
Will it cost too much in electricity,muric acid or salt
Will the ebb and flow of water make it impractical as a pool?
I'm getting a high efficiency washer long before I'd try something like this,but it seems doable