You are correct. Many types of newly hatched amphibian larva are about the size of mosquito larva. Mosquito larva are a mainstay of the Gambusia diet.
As far as the stock tank goes, if it is galvanized your little fish will die in it unless it is painted or lined. If it is plastic or fiberglass they should be ok. The fish will need aeration unless you can set your tank up with a flow-through
water supply.
Putting the tank in-ground is a good idea, the water temperature will be more stable. Leave at least 6" to 12" of free board to help keep small critters from falling in. It will need a secure mesh top strong
enough to keep raccoons out with mesh small enough to keep snakes out. In your climate the tank will also need to be at least partly shaded.
I think you'll be able to grow enough fish to provide treats to your
chickens once in a while but certainly not enough to use as an actual feed source.