I'm willing to try sending three or four slips to you in awhile if you like.
I have them started way too early this year so some are approaching ready and I don't plant until late april. I wonder if rooted or unrooted would be best? I usually cut them off the potato when they are the right length and put in a jar of
water to
root for a week or so...I think the ones folks buy as slips are unrooted but don't really remember for sure.
I think maybe a little priority mail box with some moisture might work? maybe a bag to keep the box dry...I'll think about it.
I have tried the greens on these and didn't like them...later I heard that they needed par boiling?
They make a great ground cover under bordering plants.
Last year was the first year I remembered to add a stake where I planted...makes a huge difference when it comes time to dig them as I tend to poke them in the ground where ever there's space.