my plan is always evolving when it comes to developing a
sustainable homestead and finding mutually beneficial "partnerships" between animals and plants is key to my plan. The
thread on sunflowers got me thinking more. I have used pigs to create a new garden. They dug out and ate all the bermuda on a previous patch of
lawn. After the pigs went to freezer camp I tossed some scratch over the area daily and the
chickens smoothed and refined the surface and helped scratch in the
compost that I dumped on. Although I must contain them when setting out seedlings or planting, the
chickens help control insects around the garden when it is more mature. Guineas are better at this but I quickly realized that I could not tolerate the noise and they went to another home until my garden and poultry house can be located farther from the residence. The goats eat weeds and finished plants uprooted from the garden and happily clean up the garden area in the fall. The wasted
hay from winter feeding is not wasted at all. It smothers weeds all summer. The partnerships have benefits for me as well. I get eggs, meat,
milk and fertilizer in the way of manure and Help with backbreaking work such as busting and removing sod.