So I have been doing a bit of research as to how to get the rain
water from the 330 gallon totes we got this year to the vegetable/flower gardens. I have finally decided on using a rain barrel soaker hose which is a soaker hose specifically made for low pressure gravity-fed systems, so with bigger holes. I spoke with someone at the company that I will be ordering from and found him to be quite helpful. I was a bit concerned that if it did not quite work for some reason, I would waste a bit of an investment on hoses, etc., but if it does not work, I can get a pump and attach a something-or-other at a certain part of the system so that I can still use the soaker hoses. So there really is very little gamble involved in trying out the system. Plus, the company is having a very good sale of the rain barrel soaker hoses until the end of the month, making it even less of a risky investment:
If someone has
experience with this particular type of soaker hose that is made specifically for low-pressure systems, positive or negative, please share! A new season is soon upon us and those of us setting up new gardens and in the process of trying to figure out the best irrigation system to use with our rain water catchment systems, certainly appreciate it!