I have been harvesting tomatoes every few days and have already canned about 25 qts and pints.
My counters have been covered in tomatoes a few times a week, so it was time to start experimenting.
First I weighed out about 5lbs
Then used my handy dandy automatic tomato masher after adding
enough water to make a gallon:)
I added....
One crushed campden tablet
tsp. tannin powder
3 tb. lemon juice ( I was out of acid blend so I guessed an amount)
1 tsp. yeast nutrient
1 tsp. pectic enzyme
Then added 4 cups of sugar that brought the specific gravity to 1.085
I added 1/2 packet of yeast 24hrs later. I'm using premier cuvee.Now 48 hours later it is bubbling away, busily turning it into wine.