EDIT: So. My plans were sidelined by me catching mono, I've finally recovered
enough to start doing stuff. But I have a big question/concern. The place where I want to build, is super waterlogged. It's heavy clay soil and it drains poorly. Would building a
hugel here contribute to the swampiness of the area? Originally I thought it would help direct
water underground, but maybe that was just a silly assumption.
Apparently the emerald
ash borers think I need to make a
hugelkultur bed. I'm planning on building it about ten feet out from the tree line by the woods, where the woods are to the east and give morning shade and there's afternoon sun. I'm hoping the top of the bed will be a good place to start persimmon(s) since I have only one healthy persimmon tree and it is lonely. I'm super excited that this giant pile of
wood includes both solid chunks and many stages of decay, I think I will put the more solid stuff near the bottom and the more decayed matter towards the top, or is it better to maybe mix it up?
The good persimmon's photo came out all blurry and bad, here's its sad ugly girlfriend persimmon that was stunted by uncomposted
chicken poop, bad drainage and the lawnmower. Hopefully a new persimmon family will take
root on the finished hugel. For reference the healthy tree is way taller than I am, they were planted at the same time.