My husband and i are eager to build a pizza
oven which integrates mass-heating technologies (we eat allot of pizza and want to smartly heat our home while doing so). All research I've done has only allowed one or the other (either mass heater or pizza oven). Due to the cost and effort and spacial position (its on the centre of our home) of the oven we cant take any risks for it to flop. Please
shower me with some wisdom.
I'm afraid that my pizza oven smokes me out of the house if the chimney chambers suddenly start meandering. I'm research heavy and practically light (we've never built a mass heater or pizza oven before, but I do know that woodburning fireplaces are NOT what i want (I'm practically sitting on top of one right now just to gather a little heat.)
We've been building our off-grid home for 9 years and plan to move in around December 2018. So we can't afford to mess this oven up - it'll be in the centre of our home. Help!
Kind regards,
Col + Kev (EL, South Africa)