I got a rudimentary system going, with flimsy planting trays left over from spring. I am getting about 3-4 pounds after 7 days growth, which is obviously not
enough but it works to see who likes what for now. The pigs toss the grass around and munch on it and eventually eat it. The chickens like it more every day. The goats... well, the oldest one eats it ok. One goat nibbles but demands her sweet feed grain mix. One would rather stand there hungry while being milked than to touch the stuff. I read that goats aren't normally grass eaters so if they aren't used to grass they won't take to the sprouts very well. Ours have never had a pasture to graze on, except the oldest one. So, we are trying to introduce this to them by feeding them the seeds earlier in the process, like at day 5 when there is only a little bit of greens. They seem more receptive to that. If that doesn't work, we will take them the sprouts at day 4 or day 3. When they start getting the hang of it, we will start feeding them older sprouts until they get used to full 7-8 day growth.
I bought a bag of oats from the feed store. About 20% of it floats and won't sprout. And it seems like barely 40% of the rest will sprout, but didn't grow very well at all. Typical dead crap food that big-ag is pawning off on the world these days. So I'm mixing 50-50 with this junk oats and some good wheat, and putting larger amounts into the growing tray to compensate. I guess a key factor is to buy "seed-grade" grain, and then test a small batch for viability before you purchase large quantities.
Now I need to get bigger trays and figure out a way to automate the watering and draining so this doesn't take up all my time...