In the most recent podcasts from Paul, he and
Alan Booker essentially sent out a call for help from the public to advance the "experiment" with the
Willow Feeder (WF) model. A primary concern expressed by Alan was to see if WFs in various climates would produce similar Returns On Investment as have been seen from deposits made at the Willow Candy Warehouse at
Wheaton Labs.
I'm not aware of a fully comprehensive resource describing a complete build of a WF, or laying out the various design considerations that present options a builder would want to consider. This ain't exactly Rocket Science, but it would still be good to have a document that approaches the comprehensiveness of ones for RMHs as done by Ianto Evans or the Wisners.
I'd like to maintain this
thread as a clearinghouse for questions and answers about the pesky little details that would prevent or stall various efforts to complete and maintain a Willow Feeder operation by inspired Permies. I started planning out a system for my
land last year and have a few such issues that are making the process seem like a much more difficult undertaking than it seems it
should be.
1) Pressurizing the Candy Chamber