nest |
BBs submitted for nest - straw badge |
Set up a system for collecting burnables
BBs submitted for nest - sand badge |
Sweep a Floor
Clean an Area Rug
Wash Dishes by Hand
Oil Wooden Kitchen Utensils
Clean an Oily Dish Without Soap
Clean Four Windows, Inside and Out
foraging |
BBs submitted for foraging - straw badge |
20 Pounds of Seed Balls
BBs submitted for foraging - sand badge |
Fresh harvest list
Cup of tea
Dry harvest list
Fresh harvest list
Dry harvest list
Prepare a dish
Make 4 lbs of seed balls/bombs
rocket |
BBs submitted for rocket - straw badge |
PEP BB rocket.straw.build - Build a J-Tube RMH
BBs submitted for rocket - sand badge |
PEP BB rocket.sand.jtubewater - Boil Water on a J-Tube
Annual Cleanout of RMH
Start and Operate Batch Box RMH
Start a Rocket Oven and Bake Something
Start up and Cook on Rocket Cooktop
Start and Operate a Different Batch Box RMH
Start Rocket Hot Water and Get to 140
Food |
BBs submitted for Food Prep and Preservation - sand badge |
cook soup, stew, pottage, or chowder
Cook Grain with a Solar Oven
Water bath canning
Make two loaves of bread
PEP BB Food.sand.pressure Pressure Canning
Bake a pizza
Salt brine ferment/pickle something
Cook Grain with Rocket Stove and a Haybox Cooker
Cook Grain with a Rice Cooker, Crock Pot or Instapot
Cook Grain on a Stove Top
Dehydrate Food in a Solar Dehydrator
animals |
BBs submitted for animal care - sand badge |
Clean a Shelter
Grow Sprouts for Chickens
Make Snake/Lizard Habitat
Make a Brush Pile
Harvest a Rabbit
Milk Cow or Goat
Make a Bee/Insect Watering Station
Train an Animal to Eat Treats
Train an Animal to Eat Treats
medicine |
BBs submitted for natural medicine - sand badge |
Make garlic infused vinegar
Make a natural medicine reference journal
Dry red clover for a tea, infusion or decoction
Make a elderberry syrup or gummies
Make a Plantain Leaf Poultice
Make a dandelion root decoction
Make mullein blossom and garlic infused oil
earthworks |
BBs submitted for earthworks - sand badge |
Three Scoops with an Excavator
5 scoops Using Tractor Loader
textile |
BBs submitted for textiles - sand badge |
Sew a patch
knit or crochet a hotpad
Make twine
Woven basket
woodland |
BBs submitted for woodland care - sand badge |
Drop 6” to 8” live standing tree with a bow saw
Drop 6” to 8” dead standing tree with a bow saw
metwalworking |
BBs submitted for metalworking - sand badge |
Build a kindling cracker
build a rmh scoop
roundwood |
BBs submitted for round wood woodworking - sand badge |
add one horizontal log to berm/hugelkultur scaffolding
electricity |
BBs submitted for electricity - sand badge |
Small DC only solar system
Small DC only solar system
tool |
BBs submitted for tool care - sand badge |
Sharpen a knife
Sharpen a chainsaw chain
Sharpen a Hatchet
Sharpen, clean and oil a shovel
Make a handle
greywillow |
BBs submitted for greywater and willow feeders - sand badge |
Move a Willow Feeder Can to a Willow Candy Warehouse
Move a Willow Feeder Can to a Willow Tree
gardening |
BBs submitted for gardening - sand badge |
Ruth Stout style composting (2 spots)