Josh Hoffman wrote: I had considered a 2" or 3" pvc pipe section with ball valve at both ends for the days I know we will have torrential rain. Had I considered this when I placed the swales, I could have made it work better than trying to retrofit it now.
Rico Loma wrote:I'm showing my ignorance, actually my best quality, but what's a spaghetti farm?
Are you keeping wet feathers then, and how do you get them cleaned and dry?Samantha Lewis wrote: I pull out the big feathers and pluck the rest into a cloth bag or old pillow case so I can easily clean and save the small feathers.
Josh Hoffman wrote:This pop up tent is used for the barn and around the property. Easy up and down, durable and stakes down to do okay in the wind.
One of my goals with our homestead is to be able to "grow healthy fat". Let's just say, I'm suspicious of a lot of store-bought fats, not to mention the cure-all "low fat diet" that substitutes more sugar than I can tolerate.Josh Hoffman wrote: I am familiar with plucking but this looks to be worth a try.