Thanks for the reply. I got stuck moving fences with the pigs this year. Not a lot of fun, is it?
In my limited experience of livestock, getting the infrastructure correct is 75% of the battle.
Some friends visited today and helped to straighten a few things out for me, so I'll be picking up a couple of black lambs next week sometime.
The lambs are 50 euro each, slaughter is about 20 euro a lamb (or so I'm told) a bag or two of concentrate to tame them a little will be around 15 euro and the acre and a bit will cost me 75 euro, figure 20 euro for straw, hay and diesel.
So while it's not exactly free food, it's ok to be fair even at this ridiculously small scale . If I can find someone to take one or two I'll get some more in the coming weeks.
(50+20)*2= 140
Total = 250
If I get 20 kg of meat per lamb it'll cost 6,25 euro per kg.
If I can get another and sell 2 halves at 75euro a half, my numbers work out that the kilo price for my two drops to under 5 euro
This looks ok for me for year 1