Rus Williams

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since Feb 03, 2013
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Permie. Other stuff too.
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Haute Vienne, France
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Recent posts by Rus Williams

Look for screws with Torx heads, these long screws are quite common in europe and someone might stock them over there in the metric sizes

you're looking for 8x320mm
5 months ago
Someone mentioned the other day that there was a permaculturist possibly on youtube that focuses on carbohydrates, oils and protiens and the amount of calories that they can grow, but couldn't remember their name.
Can anyone help me out?
1 year ago
Does anyone have direct experience with creating a pond in sandy soil?
There is one on the property and it fills really nicely when it rains, however it slowly drains, as sandy soils do.

Because of the local situation the banks need to be quite steep.

Also is there a book anyone recommends?
1 year ago
Makita 18v tools tool range have been excellent for me. Both as a professional carpenter and homesteader.
The batteries have been incredibly long lasting.
3 years ago
Yeah,chickens, turkeys etc are no problem.

Lamb is a bit different. I'm working up to it.

I'm worried about causing unnecessary suffering at this point. I feel a bit like an amateur.
3 years ago
Thanks for the reply. I got stuck moving fences with the pigs this year. Not a lot of fun, is it?
In my limited experience of livestock, getting the infrastructure correct is 75% of the battle.

Some friends visited today and helped to straighten a few things out for me, so I'll be picking up a couple of black lambs next week sometime.

The lambs are 50 euro each, slaughter is about 20 euro a lamb (or so I'm told) a bag or two of concentrate to tame them a little will be around 15 euro and the acre and a bit will cost me 75 euro, figure 20 euro for straw, hay and diesel.
So while it's not exactly free food, it's ok to be fair even at this ridiculously small scale . If I can find someone to take one or two I'll get some more in the coming weeks.

(50+20)*2= 140
Total = 250

If I get 20 kg of meat per lamb it'll cost 6,25 euro per kg.

If I can get another and sell 2 halves at 75euro a half, my numbers work out that the kilo price for my two drops to under 5 euro
This looks ok for me for year 1
4 years ago
Hi andrew. How did your lamb experiment go?

I've got an acre that I can use this year and I was thinking of doing the same as you, getting some lambs and only keeping them for 6 months or so, more to see how it works, and raise my own meat rather than making money.
4 years ago
The thing about dogs is that they have a short digestive tract. What goes in comes out very quickly. So if they eat things that are no good for them it doesn't spend long enough inside them to make a problem.
In the same way, chickens blood temperature which is above 40°c 105°f kills the bugs that we have to run a temperature to kill.
Food is food. You'll soon see if your dog/ chicken/ elephant is processing it well.

4 years ago
my area of france, the haute-vienne hasn't change.
Still possible to find house, barn and a hectare for 100k plus or minus 50k depending on location and condition.
Hard to find anything over 1 Hectare though, unless you buy a farm and that's 3-400 000 plus. And you have to deal with Safer

4 years ago

. We were founded on Equality of opportunity.  Not equality of outcome.  We forget that at our peril.

Earth care
People care
Return the surplus

That's it. That's permaculture.
And that is equality of outcome.
4 years ago