Steve Mendez

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since Aug 15, 2013
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Recent posts by Steve Mendez

What are your reasons for purchasing this property?  Is it in California or Nevada?
5 days ago
We planted Kentucky Wonder and Blue Lakes pole beans. Both varieties would have probably grown to 20 feet if our trellis was that high.
1 month ago
I don't know anything about feeding sheep, will rust harm them if they ingest a little?
1 month ago
Be careful using it on a garden.
In the summer of 1978 we bought a huge 100 year old brick church building in a small town in far north Utah. In the evenings large numbers of bats would swarm out of the eaves. We thought they were just living in the eaves and weren't too concerned.
We cut a hole in the 15 foot high ceiling to gain access to the attic and discovered an immense colony of bats living in the rafters and on the wall at one end. A bat expert from USU came out to investigate and identified them as a mother colony of Little Brown Bats. We wanted them out of there so we could expand our living space into the attic. He told us that there was no way they would move until the babies were raised.
That fall after the bats migrated we shoveled out enough guano and mummified bats to cover the 25 foot by 50 foot garden space several inches deep. We tilled it in in the spring with big expectations of a bountiful garden. Nothing grew except for a few bedraggled weeds. The stuff was so hot that it sterilized the soil. We rototilled in truck loads of rabbit dung in the fall and the next spring and for years after we had a very productive garden.
When the bats moved out we sealed up the access points and installed a large bat house under the eaves at the peak of the roof and had a bat colony for the rest of the time that we lived there.  
1 month ago
What a nice and informative game for kids.
Back when I was farming Bullfrogs and Tiger Salamanders I gave a lot of presentations at schools and other venues, part of my presentation involved passing around the various life stages of the animals in water-filled zip-lock bags to students sitting on the floor. It would have been wonderful to have been able to leave a game like this with the teachers to further the learning experience for the kids.
Well Done
1 month ago
My best snow/ice cars in order of ownership were 62 VW bug (studded tires on rear), 81 Subaru GL wagon (Studded tires on all four), 93 Toyota Camry wagon (studs on all four), and my present car 2006 Honda CRV (mud/snow tires on all four).
2 months ago
We've occasionally had some pansies survive the winter under the snow and bloom again the next year.
2 months ago
Instead of paying the farmer to teach you, what about getting a job as a farm hand for a farmer who has sheep?
I don't know anything about Southern Illinois sheep farmers, but in Southern Idaho there are lots of big outfits with many thousands of sheep. Quite often I see ads in the paper for farm hands.
2 months ago
Thank you for the good advice. With the snow and ice, a placard might keep me from a serious slip and fall when crutching in from a hundred feet beyond the designated handicap parking. The rest of the time I can use the exercise anyway and it can stay in the glove-box.
2 months ago
Gosh, after reading all of your posts, I feel lucky to have a very apparent condition (right hip disarticulation at age 23) I've been this way for 50 yrs. I've had a successful career and a very successful farm business, My wife and I have launched four successful kids into the world.
I couldn't bear to have a handicap sticker, placard, or plate unless I really needed it, which I don't yet. Sure, I hurt in several places (shoulders, ankle, wrists) but I've crutched to the summit of Ibapah peak and a lot of other places that are hard to get to. I get asked fairly often why I don't use the handicap parking. Other people need them more than I do. I encounter people every day who are way worse off than me, whether their condition is apparent or otherwise.
By the way, I prefer the term crippled over the term disabled. I am totally able so far.  
2 months ago