Conrad Farmer

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since Feb 28, 2014
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Western Upper Peninsula MI
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Recent posts by Conrad Farmer

The first version of my camper was featured in Rolling Homes by Shelter Publications, and is the smallest one I know of that is highway-legal.  It is also fully self-contained for storm or stealth.  It gets almost 50 MPG US, and is intended for more travel than camping.  If I had an inter-city courier business, I'd try to store all the waste engine heat for use at night with phase-changing wax.  I could travel 500 miles a day on the carbon footprint of my house in winter.  
The basic setup should work for almost any car that has to be used for a living space.  The driver's seat is not used in camp.  The passenger side is a bed.  Sitting sideways on the bed puts me in the kitchen, with my legs between the driver's seat and a custom cabinet.  The sink is in a drawer that comes out just over the bed, and the stove is over my legs when in use. Details in the video or book.
I'm thinking I might try a small rocket stove for heating.  I could shut it down to extract charcoal to make it carbon-negative with the charcoal being scattered as a soil amendment, or I could burn the charcoal to avoid a visible condensation plume for stealth camping.

Sounds ingenious!
Any link or other information? Would love a "tour"
7 months ago
Tried to purchase the 2024 H & P Bundle with crypto several times and got an error every time on both FFX / Brave browsers.
Thanks for any assistance.
It appears that in Firefox, there is an issue with the rendering of the top line tags/topic links - screenshot labeled "firefox" but in brave it renders correctly - however in brave (shields up) the graphic of the card deck took over 45 seconds to load (instant on firefox)
This is a subject of interest here too - we're looking at raising several buildings and refurbishing others that were not built correctly, so foundations have been a topic of much research.

Rubble trench has been around forever and appears to be code-supported in some locales

Earthbag filled with gravel is used for many earthbag or other natural building methods.

Here is a set of links from our reading, perhaps it will be helpful (and lots of other posts here at permies that are helpful can be found with a search in the search bar at the top):

3 years ago

Nicholas Tedford wrote:Maybe add in some Sepp Holtzer grain or some other permies plants/seed. . . Sunchokes, walking onion, comfry, etc.

OR perhaps a 20% off coupon for an order over some amount ($25?) of seeds, etc -- would drive some permies planting!! spring is springing

Cost is low and actually zero if they have an expiration date - say 1 year? and are never redeemed
3 years ago
We had similar situation - old coop was in bad shape, drafty and we lost chickens due to build up of moisture in the winter so were looking for a new coop

Found the 1920s Woods Fresh Air Poultry book online and decided that was our ticket. (book online at Woods Fresh Air Poultry House -- discussions here: Fresh Air Coop Discussion)

Used pallets to build the frame on store-bought skids and purchased lumber for roof - used cast off (free) windows for the clerestory. 8 x 12 (Woods design is based on golden ratio 1.6 - so basically a square main area - in our case 8x8, with fresh air "porch", in our case 4' - so not exactly golden but darn close). Baffle board will be installed on rear rafters today to further seal against drafts as the temps will decrease the next few weeks and snow continues to accumulate toward our average of 200"+ :)

Our 9 chickens and 1 rooster LOVE it, and even though it has been below zero several nights, no signs of frostbite. Chickens are roosting normally (not clumped together) signalling they are warm enough without needing extra body heat from other chickens.

Solar power project begun but not finished for the season extension bulb and the water warmer so using extension cord power at the moment. Needing a larger panel and larger battery for the warmer. Did have a small aquarium pump in the 5 gallon water bucket and that kept water in the bucket from freezing but the nipples were freezing up so had to go to a small (250watt) submersible heater.
4 years ago
Welcome Leigh,
Looking forward to reading your sequel.
It's amazing how much of our historical expertise has been lost to convenience and instant gratification.

Refreshing always to see how "slow and steady" DOES win the race. Been doing that here, too.

One of the areas that is a challenge for some is translating the principles and applications to large holdings.
Best way I've found is to look at the design as a collection of smaller, but fully interconnected "homesteads" and focus on one at a time - just have to be sure to always design with the surrounding "homesteads" in mind.
4 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:As we explained in the Q&A yesterday, one of the main reasons we are doing this is to get enough coin to get a proper well on the lab.  So the extra coin is going to the well.  

Next, if we add three things to further the experiments, we find no change in the amount of people signing up.  Nor do we find existing backers raising their pledges.   But if we add things to the $100 level, we not only find existing backers raising their pledges, but we also find an increase in the number of people backing the kickstarter.  

So, we are making the best out of what we have learned.

Aha!! Genius expertise at work -and as is evident I missed the q&a yesterday. Thanks for the clarification.
4 years ago