Hey Tim, some mushrooms are so easy to grow you really just need to sit down with a beer and watch it ... But that doesn't mean they are edible or yummy, as I found out this Fall :0( So, if you want to enjoy eating your shrooms, you must be a little bit discerning. Last year, I bought $20 worth of the easiest to grow wine cap mycelium -- it was about this time of the year, sort of late, so just in case, I split the mycelium in half and buried half of it outside in the wood chips and half of it in the bucket filled with fine wood chips to spend the winter in the basement. Everything just took off crazy, the basement bucket was rocking with Stropharia rugosa-annulata spawn and I planted it all outside in the garden -- both fall and spring plantings did great. Well, come the end of September until practically now, I had bumper crops of stropharia. However, it is completely unappealing to eat -- no matter which way you cook it it tastes like a shoe sole -- tasteless, without the mushroom kick. Well, degustibus non disputandum est! But they are doing the job they were meant to do: they are eating the truck load worth of wood chips. $20 investment