Cindi Borax

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since Dec 28, 2014
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Recent posts by Cindi Borax

I backed the Kickstarter on April 3rd and now, looking through the list of goodies in "My Stuff", I'm seeing the full video for David Pagan Butlers "Make a Natural Swimming Pool", but not the 2 chapters of his "Organic Pools DIY" book - did they get swapped out for the video?  If so, can anyone tell me the difference between the two resources from David Pagan Butler?  I mean, aside from the obvious, one being a book and the other a video. ;)  If there is different content, I may buy the ebook to either supplement or compliment the video..
3 years ago
My bad, Paul.  I ought to've gone with your first suggestion, which was to try another browser.  I use Firefox, and thought that couldn't possibly be the issue. lol  Well, guess what?  It was.  Pledge has now been made via Chrome.  Thanks so much for helping me troubleshoot, and my apologies for using up your time after not taking your initial advice.  Cheers and thanks again for another project!
6 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:My kickstarter is still running and has a long time to go still.  

Before you contact them, maybe you want to try the card one more time.

Tried it one more time and no joy.  I've contacted them and am hoping to receive some satisfaction.  Will let you know.  Thanks!
6 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:That project is not my project.

Here is my project:

Doh!  I didn't even notice they included the wrong link!  Will write them back to correct the error, and see what they have to say.  Is the kickstarter still open at this point?
6 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:While waiting for kickstarter to respond ...   here is my first try at an idea that might be useful ...

Suppose you are using chrome to do this and it isn't working.   Maybe try firefox?   It is possible that something between your regular browser and kickstarter has gone wonky - so if it works with a completely different browser, then at least the problem isn't you!

Thanks, Paul!  I got this back from them:  "Thanks for writing in! I took a look at this project and see it has ended:

Since the project has ended, it's no longer possible to pledge to this project through Kickstarter. If you still wish to support this project, you'll need to reach out to the creator directly.

To message them, visit the project page and click the creator's profile image. This will open up their bio. Click "Contact me" and send a message."

Is there any way I can still get the perks when I make my contribution to the project via other means, or is that all done with now?
6 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:

Cindi Borax wrote:Argh...I'm trying to pledge money to the Kickstarter, but it won't let me.  The site won't sensitize the credit card information fields...will only let me enter my name.    Help!

Can you share a screenshot?

Is there help and support stuff on kickstarter?   I know that a couple of years ago I could send email to

I've sent an inquiry to Kickstarter's help section, but I guess I was just wondering if anyone else had encountered this issue.  Including a screenshot, but it doesn't show much because, well, it wouldn't let me enter any info other than my name.

ETA: This is the screen that shows up after I entered my name, was not allowed to enter any other information, and hit the "pledge" button.
6 years ago
Argh...I'm trying to pledge money to the Kickstarter, but it won't let me.  The site won't sensitize the credit card information fields...will only let me enter my name.    Help!
6 years ago
We use pine horse bedding pellets, same as someone else mentioned.  For those who broadcast the used pellets/dust in their property, do you do so even during the winter?  
7 years ago
Welcome, Tao! I'm looking forward to reading your book!
8 years ago
I haven't had to leave my first garden/wildcrafting area yet, but the day won't be too long in coming and I think it will feel the same to me as you've described in your experience. Thanks for your post.
10 years ago