Blake Lenoir wrote: I mean blenders, mortar and pestle and that type of stuff to hammer corn, beans and stuff to flour to create mush, bread, soup and stuff for recipes, etc. Trying to make some better cornmeal, nachos, taco shells, all for greater taste. Is there some simple material to create mortar and pestle the way ancient people have?
If it's the quest for taste that's driving you, then definitely try nixtamalising some corn. It is a game changer in the way it softens the kernels, changes the flavour, improves the nutrient availability, and gives you something that you can process by hand with a range of utensils. All you need is some hydrated lime. It's sold as cal or pickling lime in a lot of places. If you can't get your hands on any, wood ash (especially from hardwoods) works but won't give you the same taste as lime...still good though.