Ben Gorski

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since Nov 28, 2016
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Recent posts by Ben Gorski

When you Rusticate all day you often masticate as well especially when you officiate
6 months ago
Look up "peach tree gum" .  May be that is Aspen tree gum?
1 year ago

Nicky Schauder wrote:

I found this Dynamic Accumulator and nutrient list way back in 2013, from  Since downloading it, I've uploaded it on my own Google Drive because it's hard to find.

It is from the work of the late Dr. Jim Duke who worked for the USDA at the time that this was released on their website

thank you Nicky..

woow Look at Stinging Nettles.  

I forget where I read it but a man in PA had great success growing all types of fruiting shrubs in the vicinity of Stinging Nettles.

here is the Elliot Coleman design

I agree with the above person. I would insulate and waterproof the basement. Although if your climate is dry, soil is sandy, and it will only be a root cellar forever than you might be fine. Although the concrete will last longer is waterproofed.
1 year ago
Thank you for the day to day plus the life history, as this allows a more complete picture of you and your partner.

How about the Land?  
any images of the surrounding landscape?
what are the 2 or 3 closest towns?
climate zone?  

Is your business raising and selling livestock and guardian dogs?
Do you raise any of the feed? is it feasible in your area to attempt to raise feed?

Would you expect people/person that joins you to hold a job outside the homestead/your business?  OR is there enough profit to be made just not enough hands on deck to move things along?

bee well

Yellow Brick  is your choice. The SKIP program is about you documented your projects and skills all over the place...wherever YOU choose. I've met a bunch of great people on here from all over the USA(mainly East and SouthEast coasts. I could have stayed there as per the various arrangements each you unique to the person YOU decide to reach out to.

Check the 'experiences' forum(  ) for people postings about needing help at their place. GO back a few pages into to see previous offerings which may still be valid.

here is one post (  )

1 year ago
4 feet. an electric fence should help. Try a solar power one from Parmak. needs new battery every few years or so and works fine most the year and certainly during grow season when sun is out longer.
Hey G May.   I'd like some seeds. I can offer some seed in return. I am interested in as well Indigenous seeds, particularly Winter Squash, but am open to other seed.

Have you looked in  ?
1 year ago
Buy land in a warmer climate zone and set-up shop may attract folks too timid to brave the cold.
1 year ago
i think you have the info you need. but to avoid transplant maybe you can bring along pots made of newspaper, filled with a bit of dirt, that you can load and then plant directly?  

bottom line just do that shyt!
1 year ago