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Authentic Rusticators

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The other day in town someone asked us what we'd been doing and my husband said "rusticating". I thought he had made up a word but there it is in the dictionary describing us perfectly. We are proud to be authentic rusticators, rusticating in a rustically rustic manner.
(pardon me, I have a cold and a fever and am stuck on the sofa for the morning).
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Have you been suspended from Universiry? (Def #2 here)
Judith Browning
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Adrien Lapointe wrote:Have you been suspended from Universiry? (Def #2 here)

I might actually fit that definition also...after three years and four summers in college, they found out I was living in unapproved housing and insisted I live in the dorm for a year as was required for incoming freshmen...I dropped out before suspension and moved to the country!

My dictionary is from 1968...a book... and has several definitions listed before the British one that means suspended from university...the first few being...to go to the country,to live or stay in the country,to lead a rural life...quality, state or insistance of being rustic.....
Starting with rustic,rustical,rustically,rusticate, rustication, rusticator, rusticity, rustily, rustiness......they all seem to apply to our chosen lifestyle.

Judith Browning
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Still one of my favorite words and lifestyles  

rus·​ti·​cate ˈrə-sti-ˌkāt
rusticated; rusticating
intransitive verb

: to go into or reside in the country : follow a rustic life
transitive verb

chiefly British : to suspend from school or college
: to build or face with usually rough-surfaced masonry blocks having beveled or rebated edges producing pronounced joints
a rusticated facade
: to compel to reside in the country
: to cause to become rustic : implant rustic mannerisms in

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Ahhhhhh, the things I learn on this site.  Here I was thinking that I was just rusting away in this suburban hell.

Now I'm sure the "the longing in my heart" ( from Bonnie Raitt ), for country is real and that " I gotta get out of this place ".

Thanks Judith


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Oh, I like this!
A new title, an Authentic Rusticator!
I have been this way since before I graduated high school.
I never knew that I had a clan of like-minded disappear-into-the-woods recluses!
Well, I knew there were other "mind their own business"  folks out there, but I never knew we had a title!
Perhaps, I should make a sign for our cabin, The Rusticators... it will confuse and baffle the neighbors, What happened to the Rubino's??? Did they move???
Maybe a new line of tee shirts, Authentic Rusticator I'll be a zillionaire in no time!
How cool!
Thank You Judith & Hubby for enlightening me about my clan.
Deane Adams
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I now know the sign I'll have to make when I find the right patch of land:

Danger Rusticator Beyond This Point

Judith Browning
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Location: Ozarks zone 7 alluvial, clay/loam with few rocks 50" yearly rain
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Haha...yes Thomas, make the t-shirt!
I've wondered about a sign on our front fence here...nice and confusing and non confrontational compared to my other tendencies like a rainbow flag or peace sign.

Deane, I wrote this post originally in 2012, soon after joining this group of fine folks.  Decades after moving to the country in 1973.
And feeling a misfit for years before that...often being told I was one.
It's a joy to feel mostly on a similar path to this large and diverse group of folks here isn't it?
Deane Adams
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Or maybe this one:

          Judith Farm
Home for Old Rusticators

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I now know the sign I'll have to make when I find the right patch of land:

Danger Rusticator Beyond This Point


Personally, I don't think "Peace" and "Danger" go together.

I'd go for:
Rusticators Welcome Beyond This Point
All Others are Advised to Go Elsewhere        
Deane Adams
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Oh Jay I think that Danger and Peace can go together like in this notice:

Danger by visiting Permies, one may come to find Peace.

One more sign for the gate:

Please Do Not Feed/Pet/Talk To The Rusticators!

OK, I'll try to stop with the sign thingy, but "I'll be back"

May all of you find your Peace
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Ruminations on rustication. Let's hear'm.
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When you Rusticate all day you often masticate as well especially when you officiate
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There is something about finding a word to convey a feeling and to introduce belonging... I am striving to be an authentic rusticator myself.
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Based on a great sign we saw in the neighbor's yard, how about this?  "I'm a rusticator. Not running for anything, I just wanted a sign"  A somewhat more tame version of that sign.
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Timothy Norton wrote:There is something about finding a word to convey a feeling and to introduce belonging... I am striving to be an authentic rusticator myself.

I love discovering new words. I once read something along these lines: Discovering a new word is like finding money on the street, you can't wait to go and spend it. Now I'm looking for an excuse to use rusticator in a conversation.
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Working on it...I'm the son of a Saskatchewan farmer...grew up in a town of 1600...presently wasting away in the city, but developing the acreage as a place to retire to.

Would I then be a Retired Rusticator?  Retired Rebel Rusticator?  I'm wracking my brain for another adjective that describes me that starts with R, but it always seems to be the second letter, as in gRumpy or cRanky....

Rusticators R Us

It always feels good to be puttering on the land somehow.
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thomas rubino wrote:Oh, I like this!
A new title, an Authentic Rusticator!
I have been this way since before I graduated high school.
I never knew that I had a clan of like-minded disappear-into-the-woods recluses!
Well, I knew there were other "mind their own business"  folks out there, but I never knew we had a title!
Perhaps, I should make a sign for our cabin, The Rusticators... it will confuse and baffle the neighbors, What happened to the Rubino's??? Did they move???
Maybe a new line of tee shirts, Authentic Rusticator I'll be a zillionaire in no time!
How cool!
Thank You Judith & Hubby for enlightening me about my clan.

Laughing so hard over these!!!  Love your sense of humor! :  )
Get meta with me! What pursues us is our own obsessions! But not this tiny ad:
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies
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