Jay Angler wrote:We've got blooms happening, but also endless rain, so I haven't seen a single functional pollinator. Sigh...
I wouldn't pin my hopes on any 350 gal stop to fire
"Ultimately, JOMO isn’t about what you are giving up. It is about the freedom, control, safety, relief, peace of mind and happiness you are gaining."
Eino Kenttä wrote:In the second picture we see a wide rounded groove running up the entire length of the thing. What if you put the tank so that a tree or similar occupies this groove, and then pull ropes/straps around the tank and tree, running through the shallower perpendicular grooves? Sorry, don't know if that makes any sense at all...
r ranson wrote:Wow!
Dirt is so amazing. The different colours and textures.
And even more marvelous, the ability to think up such pretty patterns.
Seeing this made my day. Thank you!
Produced by Academy Award winning filmmaker Adam McKay (“Don’t Look Up”), known for his satirical films blending comedy with political and economic critique, “You Need This” delivers a provocative analysis of capitalist consumerism and its effects on the planet and society.
Imagine a world devoid of advertisement, a world where human beings are not reduced to consumers, their desires and behavior dictated by an economic system driven by consumer capitalism.
Dissecting the psychological and societal mechanisms that drive mass consumption, the film traces its roots back to the unregulated post-war American economy, when natural resources seemed infinite and the pursuit of material wealth, driven by aggressive marketing strategies, became synonymous with success and happiness.