Judith Browning

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since Jun 21, 2012
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Living in a small rural town after forty years in the woods......
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Ozarks zone 7 alluvial, clay/loam with few rocks 50" yearly rain
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Recent posts by Judith Browning

Riona Abhainn wrote:I've gone on daytime train trips between Portland and Seattle a few times, its quite pleasant.  I've only done an overnight train trip once, and now that sleeping cars are prohibitively expensive we all had to just sleep in our seats, and it was horendous, noone slept well, I made a promise to myself and my husband, no more overnight train trips for us.

We bought small self inflating mats for our trips that made all of the difference for sleeping in our seats...and many times there were enough empty seats to spread out over two seats.....the mats could be rolled up squishing the air out to a small lightweight bundle to strap to our packs. I think we got them at Sierra Trading Post?

I do admit to fantasizing about a sleeper car though
36 minutes ago
In the US the Antiquities Act protects these lands.


Do other countries have similar protections to prevent the loss of these areas?
1 hour ago

Christopher Weeks wrote:I only mentioned the Nixtamatic mill up above, and it's still in transit. But we also bought 165 lbs of maize from Oaxaca and it arrived today. That's probably enough to outlast the tariffs, if they materialize and disrupt shopping.

I think theri corn is all non gmo too.
could you share a link to the site that sells it?
10 hours ago

Anne Miller wrote:

Judith Browning wrote:Yes it did Anne.


My answer was in response to this question.

Anne Miller wrote: I guess what was going to happen on Jan 20th has happened??

I thought you meant the inauguration🙃

10 hours ago
thanks for that Christopher!
and thank your friend!
15 hours ago
This is a thing with me.

I grew up with a dad who survived WWll and he brought us up to respect the flag.
It was flying off the porch on certain holidays...brought in at night and in bad weather...even folded in a particular way.

Now I see flags out 24/7 in the rain and sleet and snow.  
I see them hanging in tatters and faded although sometimes I wonder if that's an intentional symbolic act?

Often my neighbor's flag has blown off its support and is laying in the mud.

And then of course I think of John Prine and his song 'flag decal' a tongue in cheek comment on flags slapped on everything everywhere.

And clothes with flag prints...what's with that? underwear no less?

Flying from a pick up truck?

I'm having a hard time seeing so many more flags flying than ever and so often in what appears to me to be disrespect.

This thinking somehow survived even my more radical days.


16 hours ago

Anne Miller wrote:

I guess what was going to happen on Jan 20th has happened??

Yes it did Anne.
22 hours ago
It's time to start planning!
I always end up with extras in pots wintered over and plan to sort through extra seeds, do some elderberry cuttings and dig a few divisions...plus start letting folks know so they can have plants ready.

The best one ever, that we hosted, included all garden related stuff...so magazines, tools, etc were there along with seeds and plants.....plus potluck snacks!  
We even had a drawing for door prizes that year that included a couple decks of permaculture cards

I'm thinking mid april but have had one as late as early May.

Anyone else planning a plant and seed swap in their area?
22 hours ago
While delusions compel us
to separate ourselves from each other
and from the truth of our interdependence,
our connectedness endures.
The sufferings felt
by those we disparage and harm
return to us on the ship of karma.

~Kamilah Majied
(contemplative justice sustainability consultant,
mental health therapist, clinical educator, and researcher)
1 day ago

r ranson wrote:Are you using chrome or duckduckgo browser?  The search has the same name so it's confusing.

That's the difference!
This phone has chrome as it's browser and I'm only using duckduckgo as a search engine.

I might look into that and download it iat the library.

1 day ago