Kelly Craig wrote:
Now, I am curious about DMSO. It has been used for a lot of cases of congestion and head infections. It can have iodine, a great antibacterial in its own right and, added, or even zinc. When used with DMSO, which, by itself, renders tiny critters unable to reproduce, has a lot of potential.
thomas rubino wrote:Oh, I like this!
A new title, an Authentic Rusticator!
I have been this way since before I graduated high school.
I never knew that I had a clan of like-minded disappear-into-the-woods recluses!
Well, I knew there were other "mind their own business" folks out there, but I never knew we had a title!
Perhaps, I should make a sign for our cabin, The Rusticators... it will confuse and baffle the neighbors, What happened to the Rubino's??? Did they move???
Maybe a new line of tee shirts, Authentic Rusticator I'll be a zillionaire in no time!
How cool!
Thank You Judith & Hubby for enlightening me about my clan.
Natalie McVander wrote:All my pictures are on an external hard drive that's elsewhere at the moment.
But I did make a visit to my old farm blog and found this picture.
It was the nearest one I had taken to the shed.
I just tried the upload attachment file, so we'll see how it comes out here.
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:
Mike Barkley wrote:These are my choices for the bean beauty contest. Because they look like cows.
Hmm, I see Holsteins and Jerseys. But what on earth are you feeding those purple cows?
Inge Leonora-den Ouden wrote:
Denise Cares wrote:...
Thank you Denise.
I did as described. Now all I have to do is wait until it's fermented. It looks like this:
Inge, how did your purslane pickles turn out?