Denise Cares

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since Oct 12, 2018
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Recent posts by Denise Cares

Kelly Craig wrote:

Now, I am curious about DMSO. It has been used for a lot of cases of congestion and head infections. It can have iodine, a great antibacterial in its own right and,  added, or even zinc. When used with DMSO, which, by itself, renders tiny critters unable to reproduce, has a lot of potential.


Kelly, I would be cautious with using DMSO unless know for certain that there is no infection or yeast growing in the ear canal. Also be sure that there is no drum rupture. DMSO is a powerful solvent which means it carries with it whatever it's mixed together with deep into the tissues.  So, if there is any "impurity" it will carry and drive that deeper into the body.  The ear being inside the skull/close to the brain is not a place to mess with if you push any foreign organism deep inside. Anything that comes in contact with DMSO must be scrupulously clean, including the hands and skin when it is applied externally. I think it safer to work on balancing the normal pH of the ear canal as many others have discussed ways of doing this.  Also note that DMSO can give a sense of "heat" and that may cause severe discomfort (firery painful) to someone with ear canal abrasion or tissue disruption.  
17 hours ago
This young man shows creative skills in building an adorable off grid cabin with what looks like a simple rocket stove and all natural materials.
5 days ago

thomas rubino wrote:Oh, I like this!
A new title, an Authentic Rusticator!
I have been this way since before I graduated high school.
I never knew that I had a clan of like-minded disappear-into-the-woods recluses!
Well, I knew there were other "mind their own business"  folks out there, but I never knew we had a title!
Perhaps, I should make a sign for our cabin, The Rusticators... it will confuse and baffle the neighbors, What happened to the Rubino's??? Did they move???
Maybe a new line of tee shirts, Authentic Rusticator I'll be a zillionaire in no time!
How cool!
Thank You Judith & Hubby for enlightening me about my clan.

Laughing so hard over these!!!  Love your sense of humor! :  )
2 months ago

Natalie McVander wrote:All my pictures are on an external hard drive that's elsewhere at the moment.

But I did make a visit to my old farm blog and found this picture.

It was the nearest one I had taken to the shed.

I just tried the upload attachment file, so we'll see how it comes out here.

Natalie, what are the 3 square structures made of scrap wood raw edge (?) in the foreground of the first pic?  How did you make them and what are they holding? The cross pieces at top -what are they for?
3 months ago

Douglas Alpenstock wrote:

Mike Barkley wrote:These are my choices for the bean beauty contest. Because they look like cows.

Hmm, I see Holsteins and Jerseys. But what on earth are you feeding those purple cows?

Lila, I see them as a deep reddish-purple color..Perhaps like the color of the red heifer as spoken of in Numbers 19:2 in the scriptures?
All these beans are wonderful and the colors are amazing! Thank you everyone for submitting pictures!
3 months ago

Inge Leonora-den Ouden wrote:

Denise Cares wrote:...
Thank you Denise.
I did as described. Now all I have to do is wait until it's fermented. It looks like this:

Inge, how did your purslane pickles turn out?

3 months ago
I haven't read the Humanure book yet that everyone is talking about so please pardon my question here if it is addressed in the book. Why couldn't one just slightly bury the collected poo in a shallow trench or hole?  Cats do that basically. When out camping one uses a shovel/trowel to do that. Why is putting it in a compost pile and covering it with something other than dirt and waiting for over a year or two the typical way to do it?  If one has enough land to rotate the areas where the poo is buried or it is buried only where there are trees and not where vegetables or food crops are being grown then wouldn't the soil microbes naturally take care of it?  In a shallow pit the sun would heat it up and kill the pathogens after a period of time anyway I would think. It might not be as practical in areas that get a lot of rainfall if the ground gets saturated it would not work well to walk over those "burial grounds".  The pit might have to be deeper. Also not sure about the effect of aerobic vs. anaerobic bacteria on all of this.  How deep of a pit would be considered ideal for proper deccomposition and "sterilization"?  Thanks for the discussion on this.
3 months ago
I haven't read the Humanure book yet that everyone is talking about so please pardon my question here if it is addressed in the book. Why couldn't one just slightly bury the collected poo in a shallow trench or hole?  Cats do that basically. When out camping one uses a shovel/trowel to do that. Why is putting it in a compost pile and covering it with something other than dirt and waiting for over a year or two the typical way to do it?  If one has enough land to rotate the areas where the poo is buried or it is buried only where there are trees and not where vegetables or food crops are being grown then wouldn't the soil microbes naturally take care of it?  In a shallow pit the sun would heat it up and kill the pathogens after a period of time anyway I would think. It might not be as practical in areas that get a lot of rainfall if the ground gets saturated it would not work well to walk over those "burial grounds".  The pit might have to be deeper. Also not sure about the effect of aerobic vs. anaerobic bacteria on all of this.  How deep of a pit would be considered ideal for proper deccomposition and "sterilization"?  Thanks for the discussion on this.
3 months ago
R. Ranson - the skirt has a nicely finished waistband. I would leave it as is only to lenghten the elasic, find a seam and open it up and sew a short piece of similar elastic to the existing one so it will not clutch at you so tightly. I'd definintely shorten the skirt. Measure carefully and cut and sew a new hem in it. Pretty print!
4 months ago
The whole life cycle thing about the female fig wasp is almost too bizarre to believe. I still have a love of figs but want to know the science behind all this. How the fig eats the wasp. Would it eat us when we put it inside our body? Anyway on another note, I just found out about this product from a neighbor. It sounds simpler than putting up an electric fence around the fruit trees. Has anyone used it?
4 months ago