joe larsen wrote:
Russell Joplin wrote:
Thanks, that worked!
I'm a little bummed that the Rocket Mass DVDs have been removed! Was this by design?
Wait what do you mean? They're still part of the $200 pledge, which I believe is part of the $250. (They're the reason I went with the 200)
joe larsen wrote:
Russell Joplin wrote:So, I supported at the $200 level before the $250 DESIGN was available. If I send another $50, can I get the Design deal? Will Kickstarter do that automatically?
I'm super excited about this whole endeavor!
You should be able to pick the other level and it'll update you. Just click manage my pledge
paul wheaton wrote:If anybody wants a 20% kickback for this kickstarter, please let me know. I will send you a link so you can get 20%.
Rus Williams wrote:
However I'd happily pay at least 200 bucks for access after the fact. You've got some great names lined up and I expect the standard to be really high.