Kimi Iszikala

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since Oct 01, 2017
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Off-grid farmstead and builder on a mesa in northwestern New Mexico since 2019 with my hub. Working toward greater self-sufficiency, community connection, and stewarding our dryland mesa toward greater water infiltration. First step: build a tire bale Earthship-inspired passive solar off-grid home without decreasing our lifespan! Slowly but surely... Ours is the first tire bale home permitted in NM, and has the first permitted worm septic system in NM... or maybe even first in the U.S.?
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Colorado Plateau, New Mexico
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Recent posts by Kimi Iszikala

If you have a cubic meter enclosure full of bedding, and if you feed them & keep them moist enough, worms should do fine in your area through the winter. I don't have a ton of experience (yet), but we are counting on that for our worm septic system. We are in zone 6, and worm septic systems like ours have been successful in colder temps. Our design was prototyped in Massachusetts and thrived for at least 20 years; not sure if it is still going.

Here's an article discussing worm farming in the winter; it is what we are banking on!

Happy Worms All Winter Long!
3 weeks ago
We got our knit aluminet 70% shade cloth from Gothic Arch Greenhouses four years ago but from a quick glance at their website it looks like maybe they don't carry it any more...?

We couldn't survive in the greenhouse without it, and neither could our trees...
6 months ago
I think a new card deck is a great idea. I am curious whether you are envisioning this as an "upgrade" (revision with maybe a couple swap-outs) or a new version (with mostly new material, even if some of the history characters remain the same). Don't know which of those I'd vote for, but just curious.

My vote:
1. Green
2. Gold
3. Cream

Please don't make them plastic. Playing cards were around for a thousand years before they were ever made in plastic. Permaculture cards in plastic? No, no, no. Besides, if they wear out, they can still be repurposed as info cards, or composted, or burnt for fuel, and then a new set can be purchased.... $

6 months ago
I am way too lazy to turn compost, and live in a very dry area.

I use worms for food waste and Johnson-Su bioreactor for farm waste.
8 months ago
We are building our house and have a lime plaster scratch coat over earthbags filled with scoria. We can get occupancy permit with just the scratch coat done (after we finish the rest of the house, that is).

Problem is, a northern flicker is trying to nest in those scoria walls. By the time we realized it, it had broken through the lime plaster, and removed over a gallon of scoria, almost all the way through the earthbag.

We repaired that hole, and the next day it had tried to start two others -- luckily in an area reinforced with wire mesh where the bags connect to the roof, so it didnt get far. For now we strung some old CDs in the area as a scarewoodpecker, and it seems to be working OK to keep them away, but it isn't a long-term fix.

So then we were wondering if we have to wire mesh the whole wall before the final plaster coats... super expensive, a pain in the neck, and not effective since they still damage the plaster before hitting the wire.

A quick Google search indicated there is a paint-on coating used to deter woodpeckers from the new synthetic stucco, using similar chemicals to nail-biting deterrents for kids.

We don't want a paint-on coating, but thought maybe we could find a similar non-toxic additive to incorporate into our finish coat.

We will keep looking into this, but I thought I'd give a quick shout here in case anyone has done this? Anyone know what material to use and availability? Have any of you done this with a final plaster coat to good effect?
8 months ago
Thank you!

We probably can't put this right over the shower (nor on both sides) unless we manage to find a true wet-rated one. And we for sure won't  be building a wood fire in our shower! I assume the panels don't work through walls or we could put it on the other side of the shower wall to get our backside.

Hm. Maybe we will need to go with an old-school heat lamp for those times when we feel the need... Once we close the sun room on the exterior wall, hopefully we won't need supplemental hear too often...
9 months ago

Steve Flynn wrote:with these you only need 6 watts per square foot of heater capacity.  [...]   So if you have 500 square feet of space you should have about 3000 square feet or 6 of these panels to cover the space.  That is still significantly better than what electric baseboard offers.

Thank you for this, Steve!

I would like to understand your numbers... when you say square feet for the room, does that assume an 8' high ceiling? And I am guessing you meant 3000 watts for the panels instead of sq ft? So like 7 or 8 of the 400 watt panels for a 500 sq ft room? Or did I interpret that completely wrong?

A different question -- can these be used for short-term immediate heat, or do you need to keep them on for hours to "charge" the mass like under-floor radiant heat?

We have a 40 sq foot room with a shower, with 7' high ceilings. We were hoping to use a 400 watt panel to heat that when showering. We were hoping we could turn it on like 15 minutes before a shower. Is that realistic, or no?

Our camper is so tiny... the space where we were trying to keep our legs warm is only about 18 sq ft, and our feet and legs were a foot from the heater which sat on the floor. The camper is a popup so the walls are canvas above our sitting waist height, so it might not be a fair test... but I thought that was what these heaters should be good for; heating the objects in the room (our legs) rather than trying to heat up the air in a drafty space...

Any further insights would be so appreciated! Thanks again for your response.
9 months ago

Shirley Spurlock wrote:we will be starting of breaking ground then start  building our earthship home

Hey Shirley, I'd love to hear how your build is going...?
10 months ago

William Bronson wrote:
I will have to peruse your blog to see how that interacts with your earthen floor.

p.s. Within the "U" of the concrete foundation is "undisturbed dirt" and we are building up our earthen floor on that, all the way out to meet the shotcreted tire bales.

It may be our next blog post but I don't know how soon... we have completed small test patches of saltillo tile in the utility room and clay soil under the stairs, and finished our (conventional) loft floors, but still need to do our sloped shower floor before posting, and maybe some of the bigger saltillo & clay areas...
10 months ago
Thanks for your reply and kind words.

William Bronson wrote:I believe you mention in a previous thread that no foundation is needed for tire bales?
That alone is a huge cost saving.
I will have to peruse your blog to see how that interacts with your earthen floor.
It would have been easier to simply avoid building codes, etc,but you are unlocking regulatory barriers instead, and that is a great contribution to society.

Our engineer first drew it up on a concrete slab. We said we wanted to minimize concrete and asked for a rubble trench foundation just under the bales. He came back with a concrete foundation just under the bales, which is what we went with. The Colorado tire bale homes engineered by Mike Shealy do not use a concrete foundation, I don't think... Jim Gagnepain has posts on Permies about his build and might be able to give you more info.  In retrospect, we live on highly erosive sandy loam on the face of a high desert mesa, so my hub and I are happy with the concrete-under-the-bales solution. The rebar network provided the ground for our solar and electrical systems. The wire that wraps our bales is embedded in the concrete at top and bottom. We feel like it is rock-solid and that feels good. In a million years instead of sliding into a canyon, we think our house will be like a Bisti Badlands mushroom !

William Bronson wrote:I am curious, do you think applying shotcrete or another cementious stucco before pouring a bond beam would be easier?
Also, do you think a wooded bond beam work on tire bale walls?

I am not an engineer so I can't say what can or can't work, but can only give my impressions as a layperson owner/builder. I would not put shotcrete on top of the bales before adding the bond beam, as tempting as it sounds (yes it would make the process less scary). The bond beam needs to integrate with the bales. That pour did feel very dicey. We had to thread the needle -- avoid allowing literal tons of concrete to pour into all of the cavities, while allowing the concrete to integrate with the bales. It was wired and rebarred. We stuffed big voids with dry trash and put additional mesh on the top surface to slow concrete without stopping it. In the end, it all worked!

I would not used a wooden bond beam, and I think most people walking on the stacked tire bale walls would not want to use a wooden bond beam -- the unprotected bale walls are very bouncy and wobbly!  On the one hand the big blocks way a ton each, are solid as a rock, have a 4'x5' footprint, and "aren't going anywhere."  On the other hand, standing on top of 3 tiers of bales stacked brickwise, you can feel them jiggle when you jump, and sway when you rock side-to-side. Before wiring our bales, we had 3 we wanted to remove. My husband was able to shove the first one off with his foot, and as it tumbled down we were surprised to see that it took the other two with it!

I can't imagine being able to build a wooden bond beam that I would trust on that type of wall.

Once the concrete bond beam was poured, the whole thing really did become monolithic.

It might be different if you were berming all the way up outside the 3 sides. But no, I would still want to know that the walls were solidly connected so I wouldn't have to even imagine a bale falling inward.

Homestead Rescue (or whatever that reality show is called) had an episode rescuing a tire bale house build in Ohio. They had a wall falling over, among other big problems. It would be a good watch for anyone tempted to cut corners...

One more resource:  PSE engineering engineered our house (it was their first tire bale house). We can't legally share the plans they made for us, but they do share a couple pictures of our plans on their website at which also provides some general tire bale engineering guidelines. The first page shows the foundation-bales-bond beam connection, including the wire wrap and rebar.

And rumor has it there might be engineers in CO with Mike Shealy (R.I.P.) plans, but I don't know where or how to find them.

William Bronson wrote:Your choice to jump through the governmental hoops is admirable.
It would have been easier to simply avoid building codes, etc,but you are unlocking regulatory barriers instead, and that is a great contribution to society.

Thank you; that is our unpaid-career-in-retirement goal! But where we are, it also made it easier (possible) to obtain tire bales. In NM they are highly tracked as a hazardous waste, so we needed an environmental tire recycling permit to get the bales, and needed the building permit to get the recycling permit. I wanted the building permit anyway regardless of our building methods for the other reasons, but I'm not sure we could have gotten tire bales for this house without a permit.

In our county, building without a permit is very easy otherwise. Technically everyone in NM needs a permit; if the county doesn't require it you go through the state. The state requires a one-line county OK -- when we went to get that, even our county officials said, "Why do you want a permit? It's your land, isn't it?" Needless to say, most folks we know here built without a permit.

McKinley County NM, folks, if you are looking for a place with cheap land and permit-free potential!
10 months ago