Marc Dube

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since Apr 13, 2018
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Recent posts by Marc Dube

Awesome! Thanks for keeping us updated and I'm looking forward to your final results!
2 weeks ago
The last couple years we have managed to grow and keep enough to keep eating our own for 9-10 months.

We have been doing ten 30' rows every year mulched heavily with the deep bedding from the chicken coop. They store from October to June in a cold room in the basement.
2 months ago
I've spent a bit of time thinking about TEG's but never thought of combining it with a rocket stove.

It might be well suited to putting the TEG on a mass that is heated, the other side of the TEG needs to be kept as cool as possible as electricity is made by a temperature difference from one side of it to the other.

So one side would be thermally attached to the heated mass and the other side needs to be cooled as efficiently as possible. Possible ideas are large heat sinks with fins to catch airflow, possibly in contact with the ground to let the ground cool it. Pump cool water over it,
6 months ago
Hops might fit your parameters.
7 months ago
I use the same technique but I use pure tallow and completely saturate the boots or leather paying special attention to all seams.
7 months ago
The 85 year Olds as hopefully I would learn more in that tour than they did. Turn each focal point into a conversation.
7 months ago
I have a small shallow pond on my property that is thick with cattails. I cut the green cattails in mid summer let it dry and run it over with a mower and can make huge amounts of mulch in short order.

I also have and grow wild dock like some grow comfrey and I use it in similar ways.
8 months ago

Mk Neal wrote:I’ll go for the plains. Flat is flexible and easy. Things stay put. Water soaks in instead of running off. Two dimensional maps match reality.

Haha things don't stay put in the plains where I live 25 mph is a calm dalm.
9 months ago
I live on the plains and wish I had more contours to work with.
9 months ago
I always plan exactly what I want and have to buy because I am extremely frugal and don't want to spend a penny more than necessary.
9 months ago