Hi folks,
I recently found myself in need of a new set of walking
boots. My last pair were lightweight fabric and had deteriorated to the point of being unwearable. I decided to go back to leather, but also work out how to care for them properly as I am now (in theory!) a responsible adult.
Youtube took me down the rabbit hole of how to properly wax walking boots where I found this. Short version, when waxing your boot use a hair drier or a hot air gun to gently warm the leather and the wax. The wax will melt and be absorbed into the pores. A brand new pair of walking boots treated this way absorbed an astonishing amount of wax. Around half a tin. After waxing they look amazing, with a deep dark glossy sheen. The
water is beading off them beautifully and I'm excited to wear them for real on the hills next week.
While I had the kit out I did the same treatment on some of my old, knackered, essentially unwearable leather shoes. I've been able to bring two pairs back into service; they now look sufficiently tidy to wear in public again and have gone from being as absorbent as a sponge to being fully waterproof. I was gobsmacked. The difference is all in getting the wax to absorb into the leather, rather than sit on the surface. Obvious in hindsight.
For what it is worth, I tried both pure beeswax and also a commercial beeswax polish formulation. I think the commercial formulation worked better than pure wax - it seemed to soak in more effectively and gave more even coverage.