K Eilander

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since Aug 23, 2018
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Recent posts by K Eilander

New video I found interesting.
The short synopsis: 2ft section produces 539ml of water per hour and consumes 40 watts.
 He compares that to standard dehumidifier that consumes about the same amount of power but produces only 60ml per hour.

Plus, this version is designed to be installed directly above row crops.  Pretty cool

Also, I'm thinking high-voltage wire also serves as a great deterrent for creatures attempting to eat said crops, so win-win when it comes to function stacking.
3 weeks ago
In the video below, this guy uses dissolved styrofom in xylene (I've used regular acetone before, and that works too) but then he uses it as a varnish.  Great idea!
To make a wood stain he then mixes it with "cholera", which, I'm guessing is not the word he meant. :)  Looks like shoe polish, I'm guessing.

Still, varnish and stain have gotten outrageously expensive of late, so a real "trash-to-treasure" idea, there!
1 month ago
Concerning the OP:
Another possible option for power windows, what about salvaging car power windows from a junkyard?  They have all the motor and mechanics all figured out, and it works off 12v so ideal for an off-grid tiny home.
2 months ago

Leah Mack wrote:
They were used extensively in greenhouses, and can be DIY'd pretty easily, allowing you to dial them in for a specific size and temperature range pretty easily with nontoxic ingredients.

I've heard of/seen those, but how do you diy your own!??  That would be super interesting!  Do you have links?
2 months ago
FYI, the 2025 R-Future conference is back, and it's this week!
(I attended last year, and nearly blew my mind)
One arguably safer alternative is to give the (non-bird) carcasses to your chickens.  Increased protein means increased egg production.
2 months ago
This video is about 1yo but I haven't seen it on here yet.  Thought it would be good knowledge for the community.
2 months ago
I realize this is short notice, but I didn't see it until today.

Curtis Stone is hosting a free workshop "How to go from urban to homestead as quickly as possible" tonight (Nov 27, 2024, 7:PM US Central time)

Sounds interesting.  I'm going to try to make it.
3 months ago
A lot of us want to focus less on annuals and more on perennials, but what to do about lettuce?
This is an interesting idea!
4 months ago