Fred Frank V Bur

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since Sep 07, 2018
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Recent posts by Fred Frank V Bur

I still haven't moved not having response for where I might go for living on land to be more independent from urban civilization and growing the things that I can, as I plan all along, though I had gone out to the Rocky Mountains area in Colorado spending a good deal of time doing this, for a period since last posting here. I would want to do such where I can stay permanently, still, with others for some community we can have, really growing everything possible for what is needed, where things that may still be needed can be foraged, in small enough amounts to not diminish environments there to any amount. I do need to find those like-minded for this. And I want really sustainable ways.
I have learned that we can have all our nutrition from the food from plants, being whole food that is much healthier for us, and we would not have to eat less, but this way we can eat to our satisfaction. But at my age I am just eating a bit less anyway.

As far as sustainability in our living, there is less demand on resources,  land and water with growing our own food, and even vegetation for medicinal herbs and needed materials, right on land where we are. Even some things useful to us could be available to us with light foraging. We would need others with us in community for this, such community is important for how we need to live.
1 week ago
Such a vegan ecovillage sanctuary is what I would want to find for joining. I would just hope there was such that was closer to where I am, I am in an area on the west coast, and this place would be hard for me to get to. I would even try it, if I was very sure it was the place for me, that I would always stay there, living with doing those things, and there was nothing closer to where I am here and easier to get to. So far I still am not finding something for that.
2 weeks ago
There are foods from plants with that good omega 3 oil, and I can say avocado is one really good source for it.

Depending on where I go, that I will grow things for food, medicinal herbs, and materials, my plan is that if I can have it grow there I will have it growing there. For having avocado though it should not be at a higher latitude than near to the latitude of my location now, though I would move from here to where I can grow everything, nor should it be at a high altitude.
3 weeks ago

Thea Morales wrote:I became a raw-vegan right after my 3rd child was born. I was borderline diabetic during that pregnancy, so I chose to nip that in the bud.
The raw-vegan didn’t last as long. At that time I was taking supplements because there wasn’t getting enough of a few vitamins and minerals in my blood. My raw-vegan friend does well with it, but my omega 3, 6, and 9 were very low. Guess what I became- yep - a pescatarian. I still do a mostly raw, but my fish and poi are in my blood.

Getting Omega 3 oil was a concern to me when I saw reasons enough to give up animal products, and I had been getting fish oil supplements. I am glad since then that I read in vegetarian literature, and I was vegetarian first before becoming vegan, that seaweed is recommended, for benefits that were listed. There is omega 3 oil in edible food from various plants, and minerals in seafood is from minerals in seaweed and the various sea algae that fish and sea animals eat. And nuts provide good oil too. I came to having whole food from plants in early 2016, and have stayed with this way, and just supplement for vitamins B12 and C now. It has been enough, in this locality, but I will start with vitamin D supplements soon.
4 weeks ago
I have a lot of what I eat being raw or slightly heated anyway. But each day there are some vegetables along with grain product that really need cooking, though I keep it minimally cooked. Protein is yet in all my food. Even if each item is not "complete protein" with some essential amino acid not present that one or another will be in another item, the essential amino are all present in a good variety such as I use. Around ten years I eat this way and do not suffer from a deficiency.
1 month ago
I would try doing things with growing everything that could be, for the sustainable way that can be managed, for food, medicinal herbs, and needed materials, with natural farming methods I learned about. I see godliness with others important with this. I will try with email still, I am still using my email address
1 month ago
I am a believer and really see need to grow all the things that can be for food and things, godliness is also important to me. This may fit in as I hope.
1 month ago
Hi. I saw you direct attention to this post and thread, to see your focus.

I would want a place with others where I grow everything for what will be needed, for food, medicinal herbs, and material, with any being involved in this with me, with special strategy of compatible plants and natural farming methods, to be as fully independent from anything with civilization as possible. I am not near Missouri, though I am familiar with the country there from when I was a young boy. If I knew people I join would be compatible and I could do this with some others involved, I would go still to join with you there.
1 month ago
I am glad to see other primitive oriented people posting in here, where it seemed I am rather isolated here that way. If with any others joined for it I would be growing all the things possible for what is needed for food, medicinal herbs, and materials, with a bit of foraging for any thing yet further needed still, having the least impact on the environments around there possible. This world has enough of the destruction to environments that goes on, but I expect that will come to an end sometime not far off in the future, it really can't be maintained to always continue, but the ways I seek would be possible for doing that. I am an older man though but still really capable for my part in that, I think there are others I should find for this, and to have land found for us to have that, having the sustainable ways needed with subsistence on what we will have growing.
2 months ago