Harmony Dybala

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since Oct 26, 2018
Merit badge: bb list bbv list
27 year-old Catholic Artist and SKIPper. I love finding mushrooms and four-leaf clovers.
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Recent posts by Harmony Dybala

Dave Burton wrote:This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEP curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in Nest.

In this Badge Bit, you will clean an area rug.  

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
  - clean an area rug
      - take rug outside and beat it
      - let rug sit in the sun for at least two hours to kill dust mites and other nasties

To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must provide:
   - a before picture of the area rug
   - an action shot of you beating the rug
   - an after picture of the rug after at least 2 hours in the sunlight
   - a description of any additional procedures in cleaning the area rug
   - OR a 2-minute video of you doing this

I cleaned an area rug from work. I brushed it with a broom head, beat it hard until no more dust fell out, spot-treated with vinegar and water, and hung it in the sun for a whole breezy day.
1 month ago

Dave Burton wrote:This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEP curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in Nest.

In this Badge Bit, you will clean an oily dish without soap

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
  - clean an oily dish (plate or bowl--not a skillet/pan/pot/etc) without soap
      - 95% goes into a compost or animal bucket
      - 4% can be wiped out with a piece of paper that will later be a fire starter
      - last 1% is removed with hot water
      - end result is squeaky clean

To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must show proof of the following (as pictures or a video < 2 mins):

 - the oily dish after the meal is over
 - the food scraps going into a compost or animal bucket (if applicable)
 - the plate being wiped with a piece of paper for future fire starter
 - the last bit of oil being removed with hot water
 - the newly clean dish

It’s amazing how clean one can get a dish with just a piece of a plain brown-paper liquor-bottle bag and water from the kettle!
1 month ago

Dave Burton wrote:This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEP curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in Nest.

In this Badge Bit you will clean a bathroom

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
  - clean a bathroom
      - before and after pics of
           - toilet
           - sink/counter
           - floor
           - tub/shower
           - mirror
      - report on what cleaners were used
           - at least 80% is completed with warm water and elbow grease
           - remainder with grey water friendly cleaners

To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must:
 - post a before picture of: toilet, sink,/counter, floor, tub/shower, and mirror
 - post an after picture of: toilet, sink,/counter, floor, tub/shower, and mirror
 - post a report on what cleaners you used

I cleaned a bathroom!
Cleaners used: water, homemade all-purpose spray (water, vinegar, alcohol, essential oils), vinegar, and baking soda with a broom, rags, and scrub brushes.

I emptied the room, swept it, and soaked the shower curtains in water and vinegar, scrubbing their mildew with brush and baking-soda paste. I used a scrub brush and warm water to clear off most of the scum in sink and shower, following up with baking soda paste where needed. Baking soda also used as scouring powder for toilet bowl. Used spray and rags for mirror and other surfaces. Used broom to clear cobwebs from ceiling. Put everything back, enjoyed sense of accomplishment.
1 month ago
I cleaned a fridge! I emptied it out into coolers, removed shelves and cleaned everything with natural cleaners, and sorted the contents pretty well.

Cleaners used: warm water with scrub brush and rags, my homemade vinegar-alcohol-essential oil spray

Waste: There were a lot of carrots in varying stages of decay, so I carefully sorted them and dried the good ones and parts with a cloth to save as many as possible. The spoiled produce and some incorrectly molded cheese were composted. Happily most of the spoiled animal products had been stored in reusable glass jars which I rinsed after dumping. The non-recyclable dirty food packaging was sadly thrown in the garbage. I poured out some of the spoiled animal products in a grassy area of the yard, but some I threw in the garbage as it wasn’t suitable for our current compost setup due to rodents and odor concerns.

Lessons learned: more careful fridge monitoring to reduce food waste and developing a compost system for spoiled meat and fats are now conscious growth areas for me
1 month ago
I made an all-purpose household surface cleaning spray! Because the ingredients are all potable (in moderate quantities) it is suitable for food-contact surfaces as well as bathrooms and general living areas. I would usually add tea tree and peppermint essential oils, but as they might not be strictly edible (or necessary) I left them out for the purpose of the badge bit.

Recipe: 2 parts water, 1 part 190 proof alcohol, 1 part distilled white vinegar.
1 month ago
I oiled seven wooden kitchen utensils with walnut oil! I used paper towels because waste oil is better as a fire starter than on a rag in the laundry.
2 months ago

Dave Burton wrote:This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEP curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the straw badge in Nest.

In this Badge Bit, you will deep clean and polish a stainless steel sink.

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
   - only natural and nontoxic cleaners and polishes

To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must provide proof of the following with pictures (or a video < 2 mins long):
   - before, during, and after of deep cleaning and polishing a stainless steel sink
   - show and describe what you cleaned and polished the stainless steel sink with
   - demonstrate it meets the above stated requirements

I used warm water, baking soda, homemade cleaner (water, vodka, white vinegar, peppermint and tea tree essential oils.) I also used a rag, a couple of paper towels, an old toothbrush, and a loofah.
2 months ago
I gave the exterior of my sister’s oven a pretty good cleaning!
I used water, baking soda, homemade cleaning spray (water, vinegar, vodka, essential oils), a loofah, rags, and a few paper towels for the worst gunk I didn’t want to have to wash out of rags. There were some crevices I couldn’t quite get, but overall I am pleased with my results, especially with the glass of the door cleaned with baking soda paste and elbow grease.
2 months ago