Sena Kassim

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since Apr 03, 2019
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seed savings, composting slinging, and mother  of an amazing daughter. Prepping plans for a fulltime farming.
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Recent posts by Sena Kassim

Kimi Iszikala wrote:We got our knit aluminet 70% shade cloth from Gothic Arch Greenhouses four years ago but from a quick glance at their website it looks like maybe they don't carry it any more...?

We couldn't survive in the greenhouse without it, and neither could our trees...

it's at this website.
6 months ago
That's awesome Jen! I've a lot more people prefer the cups to the nipples. The nipples seem to waste more water and have more sticking problems in their delicate design.

We are going to be debuting our new chicken waterer soon. Rain barrels to an autofilled something. haha

I like the idea of a trough waterer for easy of clean and less parts. However it would get dirty more often. I'm leaning towards the cups with an autofill feature. Keep y'all posted with pics soon.
7 months ago
Are you speaking of walking on leash?

We have some goats that don't mind walking on a leash. The first time, oh boy did they jump alot. After a couple of sessions they calmed down and we take them on walks.
keep trying. Not all goats seem to be willing to be trained.
8 months ago
hi Skyler, we have heard those same numbers!? they do sound crazy. We have been raising goats on rotational pastures grass/forage for about 4 years.

What I have noticed is, the smaller the area the better it is browsed. Larger areas seems to allow the goats to be pickier eaters. I don't have time to rotate daily, I rotate each week. This has worked well for us and the goats.

I'm not sure how much pine/juniper goats can eat. Maybe the local extension office would have some advice...?
8 months ago
Hey Gabby, we love our portable electric fencing. We have used it for chickens and goats over the past 4 years.

the best advice I can offer is the same advice given to me, buy the largest solar energizer you can afford. The larger the energizer the more rolls of portable fence can be hooked to it.

I have purchased everything through premier one. Their customer service has helped us trouble shoot any issues. They will even help you select the right fence kit to get yah started. They have a very helpful youtube channel too.

I recommend purchasing a few extra grounding rods to ensure the fence stays hot. if the soil is dry you may have to water where the grounding rods are. We don't have that problem here, but from your photo it seems you may live in a drier climate.

happy clearing and growing.  
8 months ago
Hey Kelley, we raise our dairy goats with two LGD. We choose Pyrenees. I would consider any LGD breed that is best for your terrain and climate. I've heard it's best to keep one dog, but we adopted a brother and sister. They love playing and hanging out with each other.  When it's two dogs, one dog usually takes the lead on guarding and barking. We have coyotes, foxes and bears near by.

Fencing, we trained our goats to hot wire. Put a little banana or fruit something on the fence. A goat will try to eat it and get a little shock and know the herd knows to  leave the fence alone.

we rotate the goats and dogs weekly. They seem to enjoy the rotation. we have considered a perimeter fence for a large part of the property but haven't got there yet.

Goats do seem to prefer browse and it's better for parasite management. However some times ours are on pasture. they are doing just fine.

congrats on the property.
8 months ago
good question and great answers! We raise dairy goats and chickens. goats and chickens are on rotational pastures with stationary barns. After animals are rotated the pasture is mowed.
Barns are raked weekly and added to our compost bins. 4 bins made of pallets. When the bins are full we begin sheet mulching. Adding layers of the fresh compost to our seasonal sunflower beds.

We live in wester NC, so things like mites, gnats are plentiful. Moving the poo away from critters seems to work best for us. There are always more places to sheet mulch and create more flowers beds. we love our poop. hahahaaa
8 months ago
Hi, what's the silver things on teh stove pipe?
just curious
Hi K, lots of good ideas and advice in this thread (and many other threads!). Just start. If you have seeds. Plant them in the ground the best you can. It's ok to change your mind. Observing, changing and feedbacking are very permie too.

You can draw up or sketch an overall design goal for your property. Then pick elements to add as the funds and time are available. OR just toss some seeds in the ground and get water to them.

What ever you chose to do, will be the right thing to do. because you will be learning and growing. Start small and close to your house to enjoy the full benefits.

Happy growing.
1 year ago